Export Marketing Development Grants (EMDG)
What we offer
EMDG's are an Austrade initiative designed to encourage businesses to develop new markets
The EMDG program encourages all small to medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets. An annual reimbursement up to 50% will be provided for expenses incurred on export promotional activities in each financial year. Typical of all grant programs there are conditions to be met, some of which are listed below:
Annual income of less than $50 million
A minimum requirement of $15,000 spent each year. For the first application you can combine the previous two financial years expenditure
You must own the product you are promoting
Maximum funding amount of $150,000 or $250,000 for related company groups
Provision of 8 grants to each eligible applicant
Example EMDG expenses are
Overseas representatives
Marketing consultants
Marketing trips
Free samples
Patent, Trademark & IP registrations
Trade fairs & seminars
Promotional material
Accommodating overseas buyers
Other Services